Amor c’ha nullo amato

Amor c’ha nullo amato

The verses 103-105 of Canto V of the Inferno in the Divine Comedy describe the love that drives Francesca da Rimini to love her unrequited lover Paolo, despite their condemnation to Hell. These verses express the strength and power of love, which can overcome social conventions and religious morality, but which can also lead to eternal damnation.

The verse 103 starts with “Amor, ch’a nullo amato amar perdona” which means “Love, that exempts no one beloved from loving in return”. This verse expresses the intensity and strength of love, which can lead people to make choices that challenge the rules, but that respond to a deep and authentic need.

The verse 104 continues with “mi prese del costui piacer sì forte” which translates to “The passion for this man took me so strongly”. This verse refers to Francesca’s lover, Paolo, who had conquered the woman’s heart with his beauty and charm. The use of the term “pleasure” in this case does not refer only to the sexual sphere, but to the total and irresistible attraction that Paolo exerted on Francesca.

Finally, the verse 105 reads “che, come vedi, ancor non m’abbandona” meaning “The passion for him, as you can see, still doesn’t abandon me”. This verse refers to the eternal punishment of Francesca and Paolo, condemned to remain together in the circle of Hell for eternity. Despite their guilt and suffering, the love they felt for each other continues to burn like an immortal flame, a sign of the power of love, even of the forbidden and sick kind.

Tribute to Ary Scheffer

Project Details

  • width 66 cm

  • height 55 cm