Ponte dei pugni

Ponte dei pugni

The Grand Canal divides Venice and its inhabitants in two, who since ancient times also rivaled in public brawls approved by the government, which wanted its inhabitants to be fierce and ready for battle. Castellani and Nicolotti therefore faced each other on the bridges that were then without parapet. The so-called “war of the Bridge of Fists” consisted in wounding blood (romper el mustacio) or in dropping opponents into the water of the canal. The Nicolotti (the so-called “shadows”) wore a black scarf and / or cap, while the Castellani (called “red prawns”) wore red headbands and / or caps. These battles on the bridges led to fights or deadly duels even among the public who could watch on the street, on their gondola or from the window.



Project Details

  • Height 95 cm. Width 74 cm.

  • Engraved golden leaf and enamels on glass